Ever since it launched in 2019, Party Savior, our sweater depicting Jesus turning water into wine, was a smash hit. It has the formula on which we have built our own brand: a wholly unique concept, clever caption, and enticing design.
This year, we are adding four more Jesus sweaters to our catalog. All of them follow the same formula that Party Savior does, and we are really excited to introduce them to the world. They are all available for pre-order NOW and will ship when we receive them on October 11th.

Believe in Miracles
Believe in Miracles shows Jesus and Santa sharing the stage as well as a laugh. We all know that Jesus and the miracle of His birth is the reason there is a Christmas. This sweater begs to ask, if you believe in His miracles, doesn’t it just make sense to believe that a timeless old man can travel around the world on his flying sleigh delivering presents in one night? We think that this sweater is best suited for those adults among us (myself included) who still believe in the magic of Santa and the miracle of Christmas Day.

Jesus Saves!
This sweater comes with quite a story. Tyler and I have a running list of sweater concepts that we add to throughout the year. This concept - Jesus being a goalie with JESUS SAVES above - had been on it for awhile, but we kept second guessing ourselves. Soccer isn’t the biggest American sport, it has nothing to do with Christmas, it felt like a gamble. But I just had an itch for it, so one day I mocked it up quickly in Photoshop, and we knew as soon as we saw it that we needed to bring it to life. In the end, we are thrilled with the result. When we polled our friends and family, it was by far everyone’s favorite new Jesus sweater, and it was the very first pre-order sale we have had in the history of Ugly Christmas Party. We can’t wait to start sending it out and seeing it in action.

Life of the Party
This one is a take on another classic Jesus/Party pun. Jesus is Life, and thus also the Life of the Party. We took the concept of Jesus surrounded by His followers and brought it into modern time, specifically crowd surfing at a concert. I think this sweater will find its home with anyone who finds themselves in the middle of the Venn diagram of Christians and rock music lovers. Like if you ever went to a Warped Tour, but also Bible camp, this one’s for you.

Merry CHRISTmas
For Merry CHRISTmas, we were inspired by the saying, “Put the Christ back in Christmas.” We took a more traditional Jesus design, paired with a large, bright, embroidered halo, and highlighted the CHRIST in the word Christmas from within. This sweater is meant to be 100% inoffensive, appropriate for work or church, and something that your grandmother won’t spend the entire party sneering at.
And those are the new Jesus sweaters from our 2021 Collection! As I said, they are all available for pre-order NOW and will ship when we receive them on October 11th.
Will you be wearing a Jesus sweater this year?